Solar Power is Your Ticket to Clean Air
"If you've spent some amount of time at Austin, Texas, you know that Austin Solar has just one of the most busy and well-organized green business communities within the nation. I think we're seeing with the future of our power needs will be met," says Amy Bass, Executive vice president of Solar Service,"and that is just the beginning" "The Austin solar company I benefit loves an extremely low overhead, exceptional benefits packages, and a wonderful culture," says Bryan Johnson, owner and CEO of Solar Service. "A lot of our clients are homeowners, however we do service companies such as parks and wildlife refuges, so we can help just about anyone having an electric need." "The Austin solar company is currently on the very edge of keeping the lights," says Johnson. Austinites like to talk about moving solar and creating a "greener" Austin. They love the idea of spending less, but they adore the notion of doing somethin...