3 Benefits of Enrolling in a Defensive Driving Course In Austin


3 Benefits of Enrolling in a Defensive Driving Course in Austin

When it comes to driving, practice doesn’t always make perfect. Unfortunately, with the annual number of road deaths reported at 1.3 million, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve road safety. Driving education courses help in preventing such tragedies. 

What Are Defensive Driving Courses?

Texas is one of the largest states in the US, with a population of 29 million. With this comes an expansive network of roadways that serve millions of drivers on a daily basis. With the sheer mass of individuals circulating the road systems, it is important to stay on top of the latest road safety measures. One of the key ways to prevent unnecessary accidents is by enrolling in a defensive driving course. 


Some of the important lessons that are outlined in defensive driving courses include:

  • An overview of defensive driving techniques 
  • Tactics for preventing crashes 
  • Managing human-caused altercations such as DUIs, road rage, and stress
  • Rules of the road and traffic


Defensive driving courses provide tools that will hold individuals responsible for their actions while driving. This preventative measure should be taken when an individual’s life is involved. 

With one study finding that 40% of drivers would fail the permit test if prompted to retake it in the United States, it is clear that there’s nothing wrong with brushing up on skills to become a better citizen on the road! 

3 Benefits of Enrolling in Premier Defensive Driving

Premier Defensive Driving Austin makes it ridiculously easy to gain all of the perks that accompany a defensive driving course! There are several positive outcomes that courses can provide for drivers at all levels of experience. The three major benefits include:

Increased Confidence in Decision-Making Skills

Extreme weather conditions, reckless drunk drivers, and hazardous construction are just a few of the many unexpected events that can occur on the road. It was shown that on average, a driver makes 160 decisions per mile on the road. That’s a lot of responsibility! 


Sometimes, it can be difficult to know what will happen next while driving. To prepare in the best way possible, defensive driving courses train individuals to take on any challenge by outlining techniques and cultivating necessary decision-making skills to navigate the unknown. 

Dismissed and Driving Tickets and Fees

Say goodbye to pesky traffic tickets, and hello to safer driving! With a certified defensive driving course, individuals throughout the state of Texas can dismiss their traffic tickets and avoid penalties, such as higher insurance premiums or accidents on permanent records. Plus, with all of the helpful driving education and tools received through training, there is a much greater chance of preventing another unwanted ticket.

Before betting on the security of dismissing a ticket, make sure to show the certification to the courts in time. Programs vary in the amount of time it takes, but with Premier’s online course approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, it is incredibly simple to finish. It can be completed in as little as 6 hours!

Lower Insurance Rates

Providers reward those who are safe and smart. If individuals want to save a few bucks on car insurance, investing in a defensive driving course is the way to go! Courses are a simple and effective way to save immensely on car insurance fees because those who pass a defensive driving course receive discounted rates. 


While the percentage varies depending on the insurance provider and state, on average, individuals can expect to save around 10% over a 3 to 5 year period! At an upfront cost of just $25, Premier Defensive Driving’s course easily pays for itself, and then some, in no time! 

The Importance of Defensive Driving in Austin

Overall, enrolling in a defensive driving course empowers individuals to save money and become more conscious of their decisions on the road. In courses, individuals have the opportunity to learn in a low stake, online environment that helps avoid accidents from happening on the road.

Get Involved With A Driving Course Today

Premier Defensive Driving provides drivers in Austin with the tools to make safe and confident driving decisions, which has the power to ultimately save lives. 


Premier defensive driving is unmatched to competitors due to:


  • A low cost and module time
  • Free audio narration
  • 1% of all sales donated to drunk driving prevention organizations 
  • Instant certification
  • Much more! 


Sign up for Premier Defensive Driving’s program today to play an active role in making roads safer for all!


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