Follow These Simple Steps for a Thorough Cleanup


Post-Holiday Decluttering: What to do?

Whether the holidays are coming or going, they have a way of surfacing old and new belongings that don’t belong. Receipts, gift wrappings, boxes, decorations, and too much decor are sure to litter anybody’s home and throw off a carefully balanced household. One of the most satisfying things we can do after the holidays blow over is to have a discerning look at all the stuff. It is time to take the trash out.

When taking the trash out becomes a hassle, shop local! On the Spot Services Inc. is a Riverside local trash company with the capacity to eliminate big messes. They live, work, and play in their local communities, so they work carefully to improve their community and their neighborhoods. Below are some tips to get started with your big post-holiday purge.

Collect the trash

It is incredible how much trash accumulates every year post-holidays. Gift wrappings, boxes, ribbons, bows, and everything-else-galore will pile up, especially on Christmas day! Grabbing a trash bag and sweeping the home for bags and boxes and paper that will just clutter the home is the most prudent solution to this issue. Otherwise, collecting the re-usable items, like decorative bags and bows, and putting them in storage, will save some time and money next go-around.

Take a hard look at the food waste in the fridge, too. Too many leftovers can become a problem when they no longer fit your new year’s resolution or otherwise collect mold. As you are sweeping your home for trash to eliminate, remember to purge your fridge and pantry too.

Toss old or unused toys

Ever heard of “one in, two out?” This mantra can help anybody declutter their space and may especially be helpful for young ones. For every new toy received over the holidays, it is practical to purge the catalog of unused and older toys by throwing out two more. That is easier said, though, as we often grow sentimental attachments to our belongings. Work with your child on how to discard and donate items that they do not use anymore. 

Additionally, throwing out those unwanted toys are a way to have a greater appreciation for what your kid enjoys and what they do not. This one in, two out methodology will ensure more informed gift-giving and toy-buying for next year!

What about old holiday decorations?

Stuffing the holiday bins full of decorations can grow insurmountable if you continue to add new stuff every year! After the holidays are over, evaluate what “sparks joy” from your old decorations. Separate the heirlooms, the damaged goods, the outdated, and the perfect ornaments to make informed decisions about what is staying and going. Taking the time to sift through your decorations and making the hard decisions to eliminate old items from your collection will make set-up even easier next year. 

Plus, with all the new space you just made, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of killer deals and get new stuff!

What about outside the home?

Decluttering the home does not stop at the exterior shell; it is a process that includes the entire property. You will need to address fallen leaves, tree trimmings, and other compost through the fall and winter as they litter your yard. Make a plan for the disposal of your green waste. Check out your state and local ordinances regarding green waste removal, and what days your local company removes those for you.

Get some help with your trash

Trash is bound to happen. The holidays have a way of bringing all the trash up to the surface and contributing their fair share to the heap. For folks who need bulk trash pickup in Riverside, California, On the Spot Services offers a variety of options to help take the trash out. They can rent dumpsters, help clean up yard waste, remove trash from the home, transport trash to the dumping grounds, and much more! 

Get help from a professional

On the Spot Services offers various trash collection services in the Orange, San Diego, and San Bernandino County areas. They can help you take the trash out by sorting it, providing rental dumpsters, and even transporting it if needed. Contact them to discuss your trash needs!


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